Hallelujah Khumalo
Hallelujah Khumalo is 6 years old, living in Johannesburg, South Africa. Reading since the age of 3 and a half she has always had a love of books, and started creating books as birthday gifts for her friends at the age of 5. She loves using her imagination to create wonderful stories where anything is possible.
Where I Fit is the story of a little puzzle piece who can’t quite figure out where she fits in. Come along and learn with her the importance of being unique and special and how it takes all of us to create a colourful, beautiful world.
Written by a 6 year old, Where I Fit tells the story of fitting in whilst celebrating one’s individual quirks and differences, from a unique and authentic child’s perspective.
Where I Fit was inspired by the people who may not always feel as though they fit in – Hallelujah has learned, through writing her book, that she fits in wherever she goes, because her being unique and different is what makes her special, and in the same way, what makes her friends, who may not be quite like her, special too.
This book speaks to diversity, inclusivity, self-acceptance and a celebration of one’s individuality. Where I Fit teaches the reader that differences don’t have to be divisive, be they big, or small; rather, they are what create the wonderful world we see around us.
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